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#25 {Chocolate Truffle Mochi Tutorial on}

December 28, 2011
  1. Making the Mochi
    1 1/2 cup mochiko flour
    1/2 cup white sugar
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    1 1/2 cup water
    food color

    potato starch to use when shaping the mochi.

  2. Truffettes de France Truffes
    Unless you make your own, these are absolutely the BEST!!! They are so `ono!!!

  3. Mix everything except the potato starch in a microwave safe bowl.
  4. It should look a little bit watery, it may somewhat act the same as water in corn starch.

  5. Cover microwave safe bowl tightly with plastic wrap.
    Place in microwave:
    3:00 minutes on low (30%)
    3:00 minutes on medium (50%)
    1:30 minutes on highish (70%)

    While mochi is cooking in the microwave, spread potato starch liberally on a parchment lined cookie sheet.

  6. Scrape mochi from sides of dish with a silicone spatula.  If the mochi becomes too sticky, just power the spatula with some potato starch.

  7. It will come out an amorphous blob, that’s fine. It would be a lot easier if there was a microwave safe bundt pan, but pyrex will do fine.
    Make sure you put the blob on the potato starch so it will not stick and cover the mochi with the starch so it will not form “crust.”

  8. Form into a log, this will help to cut into similar size pieces.

  9. Use a plastic knife to cut into smaller pieces. Plastic utensils work better because they do no stick to the mochi. If mochi does stick, it will peel right off.

  10. Shape the mochi in to a saucer by kneading and folding in ward. If there are crust spots, folding in will help the make them go away.

  11. Another image of folding it in.  For those who are not familiar with mochi making, this is the technique and you may want to look up on youtube video for better clarification.  Sorry, pictures could not capture it.

  12. *It’s pink because my green was getting too cool to continue taking pictures and making them.

    Place truffle in the center of the mochi.
    Cover hands with potato starch to keep from becoming too sticky. It also helps with the heat because it can be extremely HOT.

  13. Pinch closed like a wonton.

  14. Pinching completely closed and shape like a ball in your hands using a cupping motion.

  15. Let cool on your 2nd parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Once it is cooled, place in cupcake liners and package or ENJOY right away!

    If you put them in the microwave for 10-15 seconds after they have cooled and re-hardened, the center will be nice and melty and ohhhh so yummy!

  16. Yahllow snow!!!<br/><a href=””>See Chocolate Truffle Center Mochi and 1000’s of others – or share your own on Cut Out + Keep</a>

#9 {3 Of 10-Kahana Valley}

October 16, 2011

#9 {2 Of 10-Aiea Loop Fall Break 2011}

October 6, 2011

Another fun adventure with my SisStars Leilani and Ulu & the keiki!!! <—-super troopers!!!

Wish I could post all the photos but they got erased…trying to see if the computer guy can work miracles.


#9 {1 Of 10-Nuʻuanu & Jack@$$ Gingers}

July 30, 2011

Pono, Kama, Kea, Leilani & UluDown a quick muddy slope to a raging stream @ jackass gingers then up the road and lost in the bamboo forest for 10 minutes at Nuʻuanu {Kamehameha III summer home}…
Fun Fun Super Fun day with my SisStar Leilani & sonson Pono…my awesome tita Ulu & superStar Kea…& Baby girl Kama!!!

Jack@$$ Troopers: Pono, Kama, Kea, Leilani & Ulu

Monkeys in a hole in the cliff.
Monkey Mommies!
Jackass Ginger Hole, too rough to swim, except for my Honey Girl…she’s the one to just jump in…NO Sked ʻEm Go Geddem!!!
Last stop Kamehameha III Summer Home Kalama & Aunty Mama

Chicken in the bed of a truck?

Changing #14!!!

May 31, 2011

Changing #14 from take a pattern making class to help Shan with one on her list: Kapa making class.

The ball has been rolled! I emailed Dalani Tanahy and she said she is setting something up in the next few weeks…yay-yerz!!!


#21 {the proof is in the puddin’} down 28 to go…

May 9, 2011

The Babez & I chillin’ in Honoka’a before we make our way down to Waipi’o for our walking tour.

“Hey Mom, this is from the olden times, yeah?”

Waipi’o Valley from the top

Our Guide ‘Anakala Duane

Baby Girl making her way to the ledge…

 And the proof is in the puddin’…me on a horse… A horse exactly like my husband…he had a funny sense of humor.  I think my pheromones just attract these kinds of kāne…you know, the kind that takes the slippery path, stubborn as a jackass, & likes to drag you through the tall and scratchy California grass…

Me on Flash & Baby Girl on Kaʻeo

My 30 Before 30…Today I turn 29…in 366 I turn 30…

April 23, 2011

30 Goals to Accomplish before 30

1. Labret Piercing 

2. Learn to Surf-at least take a lesson

3. Publish a book of poetry

4. Open my online store

5. Milk a cow

6. Skydive

7. Open my Roth…

8. Eat gator and/or frog legs

9. Hike 10 Oahu trails before the next bday

10. Clean my sewing room

11. Apply for a new job

12. Make an appointment with Dr. Katsura

13. Take a photography class

14. Take a pattern making class

15. Change my name

16. Get my sleeve done

17. Go blonde

18. Take a Salsa class-to learn how to dance

19. Take a jewelry making class

20. Write a personal letter to each person i am thankful for and/or who have made an impact in my life

21. Ride a horse

22. Play in the snow

23. Screen my 1st shirt (hopefully it will lead to more)

24. Learn to dye pareo with fiber reactive dye

25. Post a tutorial on Cut Out & Keep

26. Stop a fight with the kane by randomly interjecting “I love you!”in the middle of my fighting words

27. Do something extremely nice for a random person

28. Go to a play by HTY, Kumukahua or something at Mamiya

29. Surprise picnic for my family

30. Pick fruit from an orchard
